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Bosphorus Tour Istanbul

Bosphorus Tour Istanbul

“In this article, you will find information about 3.5hour-long Bosphorus Tour Istanbul by Istanbool Tour”

Bosphorus Tour Istanbul

Istanbul is the world’s only city that spans two continents, and it is one of both Europe’s and  Asia’s most populous cities. Istanbul, with its two opposing shores divided by the Bosphorus, is regarded as the most beautiful city in the world by millions of people. Istanbul, with its distinctive Bosphorus vista and hundreds of gorgeous tourist sites, is undoubtedly a city that everyone should visit at least once in their lives.

In this article, we will inform you about one of the most popular and loved activities when visiting Istanbul, a Bosphorus Tour in Istanbul. We will inform you about Istanbool Tour’s 3.5-hour long Bosphorus Tour, and what it offers to the visitors. 

Turkish Night Show with Bosphorus Dinner Cruise in Istanbul

Bosphorus Tour Istanbul

Istanbool Tour offers one of the best Bosphorus tours in Istanbul, with its 3.5-hour long Bosphorus cruise and various shows and choreographies to enjoy. Turkish Night Show with Bosphorus Dinner Cruise in Istanbul is one of the most preferred Bosphorus Tours in Istanbul, organised by Istanbool Tour, and it offers a lot to its passengers.

In a Turkish Night Show with Bosphorus Dinner Cruise, our visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful calming Bosphorus view at night, while having their dinner, which has an extensive menu including many local dishes, desserts, and drinks. 

Bosphorus Tour Istanbul

Alongside the beautiful view of the Bosphorus, you will also be able to enjoy various local dance shows and choreographies organised by Istanbool Tour. During a Turkish Night Show with Bosphorus Dinner Cruise, you will be able to enjoy shows such as Turkish Gypsy Dance, Caucasian Dance, Belly Dancer Group Show, Turkish Folk Dance, and a lot more. 

Bosphorus Tour IstanbulDuring the 3.5-hour Bosphorus Cruise organised by Istanbool Tour, you will be able to enjoy some of the most delicious dishes of the rich Anatolian Cuisine. Ranging from kebabs to farci and traditional soups such as Ezogelin, you will have one of the most genuine dinners you have ever had with Istanbool Tour.


With specially organised belly dance shows, Turkish folk dances and other choreographies, you will not only have a lot of fun, but you will also be introduced to the colourful world of Turkish entertainment. 


You can book your Bosphorus Cruise with Istanbool Tour, which is one of the best Bosphorus tours in Istanbul, by clicking here or contacting us at Whatsapp +90 542 625 14 25.

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Tags: Istanbul Travel Guide, BLOG, Istanbul Bosphorus

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